Chris Roerden, award-winning author and manuscript editor, is giving us a workshop on Tuesday, May 25th, from 6:00pm to 8:00pm, here in NYC! The Writer’s Voice will be a 2-hour, interactive seminar designed for new writers and veterans alike, examining what that “fresh, new voice” is that agents and editors keep demanding, and providing hands-on practice in finding, or refining, your own. This workshop requires advance registration and payment, as seating is limited. The cost is $20 for chapter members, and $25 for non-members. Please see more details about the speaker, venue, and how to register at our Chapter Meetings page from the sidebar.
You may have one or more of Chris’s writing books on your shelves already, so don’t miss this chance to benefit from up-close and in-depth instruction right from the horse’s mouth- er- publishing professional’s voice!